Markham Now (October 26, 2023)

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Join Us At The Heintzman House Artisan Craft Show

Please join us on November 11th and 12th from 10 AM to 5 PM for the Heintzman House’s 51st annual Artisan Craft Show.
Hosting more than 40 vendors, this year’s show has something for everyone on your gift giving list…especially yourself.
From local honey to decadent chocolates, jewelry to home and holiday décor, children’s items and hand knits, decadent soaps to festive wreaths, this awe-inspiring event is not to be missed. Check out the full list of vendors here and come support the community’s many talented and skilled artisans, makers and designers.
Entrance is $5 at the door, and children 12 years and under are free. Cash and Debit will be accepted.
Learn more here:
Markham Mayor’s Youth Council hosts EVOLVE

On Sunday, November 5, Markham Mayor’s Youth Council is hosting an event dedicated to helping Grade 7 to 9 students learn more about their transition to high school.
The purpose of this event is to prepare incoming high school students for the next step of their education with topics such as high school programs, volunteering and reach ahead opportunities. There will be workshops, guest speakers and prizes!
The event will take place at the Rouge River Community Centre from 11 AM to 2:30 PM.
Sign up here:

Submissions are now open for the annual City of Markham Remembrance Day Poetry Contest!
This year, all poem submissions must be written about the 150th Anniversary of the Royal Canadian Mounted Policy (RCMP), Canada's First Armed Forces. This is your opportunity to show your appreciation for Canadian soldiers and veterans!
This contest is open to students, who live or attend school in Markham, and in the following three categories: Grades 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12.
Winners will present their poem on November 10 at the Remembrance Day ceremony at Markham Flato Theatre. Winners will also win a $50 prize and an award from the Mayor and City Councillors!
Submit your entry here before Wednesday, November 1st at 8 PM.
Good luck!

- October 31
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM - Development Services Committee Meeting - November 1
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM - Council Meeting
7:00 PM - 11:00 PM - Electronic Committee of Adjustment Meeting November 7
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Development Services Committee MeetingDevelopment Services Public Meetings for the following locations will take place in the Council Chambers at the Civic Centre:
- November 8
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM - General Committee Meeting at Flato Theatre
Members of the public have the option to attend either remotely via Zoom or in-person in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre. Learn how to participate in meetings, email a written submission or request to speak.
Committee of Adjustment mainpage has general info on how to participate in virtual meetings and COA Meeting Agendas, Minutes & Staff Reports page which would provide specific meeting date information and materials.
For more information, contact the COA Secretary-Treasurer at or 905.477.7000 extension 4721

- October — Circular Economy Month
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101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, ON, L3R 9W3
8 AM to 5 PM