Markham Now
August 29, 2024
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Save the date! Markham-Milliken Children's Festival

Our Markham-Milliken Children’s Festival, presented by Tim Hortons, takes place on Saturday, September 7 from 10 AM to 6:30 PM outside of Aaniin Community Centre.
Many fun, free activities and live entertainment for the whole family including:
- STEM and interactive activities
- Building block area
- Arts and crafts
- Recreation Trailer
- Magic show
- Science show
- Animal education show
- A variety of mascots
- And more!
Play-All-Day Passes for Children
Play-All-Day Passes are available for purchase now. A Play-All-Day Pass gives children access to all rides and inflatables!
Play-All-Day Pass: $10 plus tax before September 7, and $14 plus tax on the Festival day onsite. Credit and debit only. Cash will not be accepted on event day.
Learn more about this family-friendly event at markham.ca/ChildrensFestival.

Now accepting applications for Sports Events funding through the Celebrate Markham Grant

The City of Markham is happy to support community events and programs through our Celebrate Markham Grant Program.
The Celebrate Markham Grant Program gives funding to not-for-profit organizations in Markham. If your organization is planning to host events that encourage community inclusivity, or enhance Markham’s reputation as a destination City for visitors and tourists, your organization could be eligible for the Celebrate Markham Grant.
Please visit the Celebrate Markham Grant page for more details.
Share your ideas and opinions on road safety with us

Road safety is an important issue for Markham residents. The City of Markham is creating a plan to make our streets and communities safer and we want to hear from you.
Share your ideas, opinions and feedback on road safety with us. Visit markham.ca/VisionZero to learn more about our plan.

Important Notice - Beware of Fraudulent Texts and Scam Calls

Fraudulent Texts Regarding Fines Owed for Parking Tickets
It has come to our attention that some Markham residents have received text messages regarding outstanding fines owed for parking tickets and penalty notices. This is fraud. Do not click on any links or provide payment this way.
The City of Markham does not contact residents by text message for penalty notices or to request payment.
If you do receive such a text message, please share it with your cell phone carrier to report it.
If you have made a payment via link in the text, please contact your credit card company and/or financial institution to cancel the transaction immediately. Please remain vigilant and think before you click.
Markham’s Private Plumbing Rebate Program

Basement flooding can happen when you least expect it.
The City of Markham offers financial support for installing flood protection devices inside and outside of your home.
The City of Markham does not contact homeowners directly to request installation of flooding protection measures, as there is no mandatory compliance requirement, and participation in this program is voluntary.
Please exercise caution when answering your phone, as it may be a scam call.
Learn more: markham.ca/ResidentialFlooding and watch our video.

- September 11
7:00 PM - 11:45 PM - Electronic Committee of Adjustment Meeting
Members of the public have the option to attend either remotely via Zoom or in-person in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre. Learn how to participate in meetings, email a written submission or request to speak.
Committee of Adjustment mainpage has general info on how to participate in virtual meetings and COA Meeting Agendas, Minutes & Staff Reports page which would provide specific meeting date information and materials.

The Ontario Planning Act and Ontario Heritage Act mandate the posting of notices related to the respective Acts. As of July 1, 2024, any municipality without a local newspaper may publish Planning Act notices on their website. Heritage Act notices are permitted to be posted on the City website as of May 3, 2023.
Learn more about our Notices.

- September - Pulminary Fibrosis Awareness Month
- September - Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
- September 2 - Vietnam's National Day
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101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, ON, L3R 9W3
8 AM to 4 PM
(excluding statutory holidays)