Curbside Collection

New Collection Method starting March 1, 2022
Same great service, now collected in separate trucks! Starting March 1, curbside collection will see a small change to the collection method.
Blue box recyclables and green bin organics will now be collected in separate trucks.
Materials are still collected on the same day, but in different trucks at different times.
There are no changes to scheduling, continue to follow your regular collection schedule.
Ensure that all of your waste material is set out by 7AM.
View your collection schedule.
- Curbside Collection FAQs
Why is my blue box no longer being collected at the same time as my green bin?
Blue box recyclables and green bin organics will still be collected on the same day, but at different times, because they are now being collected in separate trucks.
- Blue box recyclables will now be collected separately by a single compartment, “side-load” truck. This truck only requires one operator for collection and driving.
- Green bin organics and clear bag garbage will be co-collected in a “rear-load” truck that has two compartments keeping material separated.
Why did Markham change the collection method?
Markham has a new collection contract starting March 1, 2022 and a new fleet of trucks. The new contract is designed to be flexible as Ontario prepares for future blue box program changes.
Do I still need to put my blue box and green bin out at the same time?
Yes. Blue box recyclables and green bin organics are still collected on the same day, but at different times in different trucks. Ensure that all of your waste materials are set out by 7AM on your scheduled collection day.
Are there any changes to clear bag garbage collection?
No. Clear bag garbage is still collected every other week on your scheduled collection day. It will now be collected in the same truck as green bin organics. This “rear-load” truck that has two compartments keeping material separated.
What do I do with my overflow organics?
Overflow organics can be put in a clear bag and placed beside your green bin. Keep apart from your clear bag garbage to help avoid driver confusion. Additional green bins can be purchased at any Markham Recycling Depot. Learn more on the Markham Recycling Depot page.
Has my collection schedule changed?
No. Continue to follow your regular collection schedule. You can view your Collection Schedule online and sign up for personalized, weekly reminders at
Are there any changes to bulky item collection?
Bulky items are collected on the same day as your clear bag garbage. Depending on size, your item may be collected in a separate truck.
- Maximum of three items per collection
- No maximum on Spring and Fall Clean Up days, follow your collection schedule
Are there any changes to leaf and yard material collection?
No. Leaf and yard material collection begins early April, follow your collection schedule.
Are there any other changes to the collection trucks?
The new fleet of 50 collection vehicles features a variety of truck types. Don’t be concerned when you see a different type of truck collecting your materials. Miller Waste will utilize different truck types based on service requirements.
Are there any changes to apartment and condo building collection?
No. Collection schedules and methods remains the same.
- Sign up for personalized recycling & garbage reminders
Download the Access Markham mobile app to access your collection schedule, sign up for personalized reminders and use the “What Goes Where” search too – anywhere, anytime!
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