Jane's Walk
May 4, 2024 - 2 organized walks to learn about the history of Thornhill and Unionville

Unionville Historic District
10:30AM to Noon | Meet at Varley Art Gallery (Main Street Unionville and Carlton Road)
Find out more about Unionville's unique history, past, and future. During our walk, we will have designs at hand to give an idea of how the upcoming revitalization of Main Street Unionville will look.
The walk is led by George Duncan and Jóska Zérczi .
Robert West Arrvies in Thornhill — 1843
10:30AM to Noon or 1:30PM to 3:00PM | Meet at Robert West Heritage House (7780 Yonge Street, entrance off Old Yonge Street)
The walk will explore Thornhill at around the time of Robert West's arrival. It is intended to have a visit inside the Heritage House and the end of the walk. The Heritage House is owned and maintained by the Thornhill Heritage Foundation. www.thornhillheritagefoundaion.org
The walk is led by David Rawcliffe.
Jane's Walk is an annual festival of free, community-led walking conservations inspired by Jane Jacobs. For more information, please visit janeswalk.org