Pedestrian Crossovers(PXOs)

Pedestrian Crossovers are a type of traffic control used in Markham to assist pedestrians crossing the street. Pedestrian Crossovers are located at lower speed (60 km/h and under speed limit), low-medium volume roads, intersections and at roundabouts.
On January 1st, 2016, the Highway Traffic Act was revised to include a regulation which identifies a new type of Pedestrian Crossover. As a result of the legislative framework, including the Act, new regulation (402/15), and modifications to Ontario Traffic Manual Book 15 – Pedestrian Crossing Facilities, municipalities can install pedestrian crossovers on low speed, low to medium volume roads.
- What is Pedestrian Crossover?
Pedestrian Crossovers are designated areas that allow pedestrians to safely cross roads where vehicles must yield to pedestrians when crossing. Pedestrian Crossovers are identified by specific signs and pavement markings. In some cases, but not always, they may also have pedestrian activated flashing beacons.
At Pedestrian Crossovers equipped with flashing beacons, pedestrians may push a button to make the beacon flash to enhance driver’s awareness that they will be crossing.
It is the responsibility of both drivers and pedestrians to understand and follow the rules at Pedestrian Crossovers.
- Types of Pedestrian Crossovers
Pedestrian crossovers are identified by specific signs and pavement markings. Some have illuminated overhead lights/warning signs, pedestrian push buttons and flashing beacons. There are four types of pedestrian crossovers in Ontario.
Level 1, Type “A”
Level 2, Type “B”
Level 2, Type “C”
Level 2, Type “D”
- Fines
Drivers and cyclists will be fined $150 to $500 with 3 demerit points for failing to yield for pedestrians at pedestrian crossovers.
Cyclists can be fined $85 for failing to dismount and walk their bicycle when crossing a pedestrian crossover.
Pedestrians can be fined $35 for leaving the curb or other place of safety at a pedestrian crossover and walking, running or moving into the path of a vehicle that is so close that it is impracticable for the driver of the vehicle to stop safely.