Lottery, Bingo & Raffle Licences

Apply for a lottery licence
If your group holds lotteries, bingo games, or raffles, you’ll need a licence from the City of Markham. Our By-law Enforcement & Licensing Division gives out lottery licences to meet provincial regulations.
- Bingo Licences
You will need to pay a licence fee to hold bingo games. The licence fee is 3% of the total retail value of prizes.
Please read the Bingo Terms & Conditions from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.
To apply for a licence, please read the documents below and follow the instructions.
Once-Only Bingo Event Application Kit
- Requirements for A Once-Only Bingo Licence [PDF]
- Application to Manage and Conduct a Bingo Lottery [PDF]
- Questionnaire Respecting Application For Lottery Licence [PDF]
Lottery Licensing Policy Schedule "1" [PDF]
If you have any questions, please contact the Licensing Officer at 905.477.7000 extension 2300.
- Requirements for A Once-Only Bingo Licence [PDF]
- Raffle Licences
You will need to pay a licence fee to hold a raffle. The licence fee is 3% of the total retail value of prizes. You need to send in a new application each renewal period.
Before you can hold a raffle, your organization needs to have existed for at least twelve months. Also, lottery fundraising can’t be the only source of revenue.
Please read the Raffle Terms and Conditions.
To apply for a licence, please read the documents below and follow the instructions.
Raffle Licence Application Kit
- Requirements for Raffle Licence [PDF]
- Application to Manage and Conduct a Raffle Lottery [PDF]
- Questionnaire Respecting Application for Lottery Licence [PDF]
Lottery Licensing Policy Schedule "1" [PDF]
If you have any questions, please contact the Licensing Officer at 905.477.7000 extension 2300.
- Requirements for Raffle Licence [PDF]
- Break Open Tickets
You will need to pay a licence fee to use break open tickets. The licence fee is 3% of the total retail value of prizes. You need to submit a new application each renewal period.
Please read the Break Open Ticket Terms and Conditions.
Before you can sell break open tickets, your organization needs to have existed for at least twelve months. Also, lottery fundraising can’t be the only source of revenue.
To apply for a licence, please read the documents below and follow the instructions.
Break Open Ticket Licences Application Kit
- Requirements for Break Open Ticket Licence [PDF]
- Application to Manage and Conduct a Break Open Ticket Lottery [PDF]
- Questionnaire Respecting Application for Lottery Licence [PDF]
- Sale of Break Open Lottery Tickets - Declaration of Owner of Business [PDF]
- Sale of Break Open Lottery Tickets - Statement of Organization [PDF]
Lottery Licensing Policy Schedule "1" [PDF]
If you have any questions, please contact the Licensing Officer at 905.477.7000 extension 2300.
- Requirements for Break Open Ticket Licence [PDF]
101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, ON, L3R 9W3
8 AM to 4 PM