Cancelled - General Committee Meeting - February 4, 2025
Members of the public have to option to attend either remotely via Zoom or in-person in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre.
Members of the public can participate by:
- Viewing the Online Live Stream:
Council and Committee meetings are video and audio streamed at:
- Emailing a Written Submission:
Members of the public may submit written deputations by email to
Written submissions must be received by 5 PM the day before the meeting.
If the deadline for written submission has passed, you may: Email your written submission directly to Members of Council; or
Make a virtual deputation at the meeting by completing and submitting an online Request to Speak Form.
If the deadline for written submission has passed and Council has finished debate on the item at the meeting, you may email your written submission directly to Members of Council.
- Request to Speak / Virtual Deputation:
Members of the public who wish to make a live virtual deputation, please register prior to the start of the meeting by:
Completing an online Request to Speak Form or,
E-mail providing full name, contact information and item they wish to speak, or,
If you do not have access to email, contact the Clerk's office at 905.479.7760 on the day of the meeting.
*If Council or Committee has finished debate at the meeting on the item, you may email your written submission directly to Members of Council
The list of Members of Council is available online at this link.
General Committee is comprised of all members of Council to consider matters relating to City-owned land and buildings; budget; policy administration and legal matters; by-laws and licenses; recreation and culture, fire and emergency services, the environment, parks, water, waste management, and roads. Recommendations made by General Committee are forwarded to Council for adoption.
Meetings generally occur twice a month in the Markham Civic Centre and are open to the public.
Please access the Agenda and Video using the Chrome/Edge or Mozilla/Safari browser.