Heritage Permit (HE)
Is a Heritage Permit required to alter my property?
A Heritage Permit is required from the City before undertaking any external building or property alterations to individually designated heritage properties, or any properties (both heritage and non-heritage) located within a heritage conservation district, and for any proposed demolition impacting the above properties.
Use the Heritage Property Register to check to see if your property is individually designated.
Check to see if your property is within a heritage conservation district:
• Buttonville Heritage Conservation District Map [PDF]
• Markham Village Heritage Conservation District Map [PDF]
• Thornhill Heritage Conservation District Map [PDF]
• Unionville Heritage Conservation District Map [PDF]
If your property is in a heritage conservation district, and you wish to alter your property in any way, please review the Heritage District Plan for your area or contact Heritage Section Staff for assistance.
What type of project requires a Heritage Permit?
Parts III, IV and V of By-law 2023-20, as amended, identifies when a Heritage Permit is not required, and what type of projects requires a Minor Heritage Permit versus a Major Heritage Permit.
Consultation with Heritage Section staff on the need for a Heritage Permit is highly recommended.
Examples of projects that require a Minor Heritage Permit Application include:
- New or different wall cladding or roof treatment
- Painting
- Masonry cleaning and repointing
- Removal and replacement of windows or doors
- New or changes to architectural decorations (i.e. Verandas, trim, soffits, fascia, awnings, etc.)
- Front yard patios, lamp installations, awnings
- New or changes to driveways as well as front yard patios, walkways, lamp installations
- Installation of mechanical equipment visible from the public realm
- Exterior repairs that change the appearance of the building
- New or different fences
Please check By-law 2023-20, as amended for further information on typical projects that require a Minor Heritage Permit.
A Heritage Permit is not required for:
- General repairs to weather-stripping, eaves troughs, roofs, chimneys, fences, existing cladding
- Repair of broken window panes to original specifications
- Backyard patios, garden sheds, gazebos, and other small outbuildings that are not readily visible from the street (and which do not require a Building Permit)
- Planting and removal of vegetation on private property (tree removal requires a separate permit)
Projects that require a Major Heritage Permit Application
A Major Heritage Permit Application is required for more substantial alteration projects or new construction, which do not include the type of projects, identified as Minor, and may include, but not limited to:
1. New Residential Dwelling Units in heritage conservation districts such as detached, semi-detached, other forms of low rise units, multiplex buildings up to 10 units, townhouse, and coach house;
2. Residential Additions/Alterations/Accessory Buildings in heritage conservation districts and on individually designated properties (including changes to the exterior and new or expanded driveways); and
3. New construction, additions or alterations in heritage conservation districts and on individually designated properties involving:
• more than ten (10) dwelling units or
• non-residential property such as commercial, institutional or industrial
where the Permit requirements, including any terms and conditions, are not included in a Planning Act approval. This could include alterations and additions (under 50 metres square in size) to commercial/institutional/other properties.
Demolition Heritage Permit Application
The demolition or removal of any building or structure on any property designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, whether individually designated (Part IV), or located within a heritage conservation district (Part V), requires submission of a Major Heritage Permit Demolition Application.
Note that this application is in addition to any demolition approval required as per the Ontario Building Code Act.
For more information, visit the Heritage Protection page.
Using the City’s On-Line Application Portal
Markham uses an application intake system called ePLAN. First time users of ePLAN have to register to create a profile account prior to application submission. The process is easy and there is no cost. Welcome to the City of Markham's ePLAN Portal
Need help? Heritage Staff is available to help you
If you require further clarification, more information or assistance in submitting your Minor or Major Heritage Permit application, Heritage staff are here to help.
Contact: Heritage@markam.ca
Process Charts

- Pre-Application Consultation Meeting
A Pre-Application Consultation Meeting is required prior to the submission of a Major Heritage Permit application. At this meeting, Staff will identify any issues associated with the specific proposal and identify the submission requirements for a complete application. Following the meeting, Staff will issue a Checklist to the applicant that identifies the submission requirements.
- Application Submission
There is no longer a separate application form. The application is submitted online using using ePLAN with all the plans and documents identified in the Checklist. For Minor Heritage Permit applications without a Checklist, simply upload drawings, plans, photographs or specifications that will assist in the review of the application.
Fees: while there is no fee for a Minor Heritage Permit application, there are applicable fees for Major Permit applications, as well as Heritage Demolition Permit applications. Refer to the Heritage Permit Fee By-law.
After receiving an application, a Development Technician will ensure that the required plans and documents have been successfully uploaded and that they meet the City’s ePLAN Submission Standards and any application fees have been determined, confirmed, and paid.
- Deeming Review
Staff will review the application in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act to determine if it meets the requirements for a complete application or if additional information is required. If deemed incomplete, the review process does not begin until the Applicant provides all the required information.
- Circulation and Staff Review
Once a complete application is received, it will be circulated to Heritage and Urban Design Staff for review.
Heritage Staff will work with the applicant to resolve issues identified during the review.
If applicable, the applicant will revise and resubmit documents for review.
Heritage staff will also determine if the application must go to Heritage Markham Committee (Council’s advisory committee on heritage matters) or Development Services Committee/Council for review. Applications which are compliant with existing policy are approved by Heritage Section staff. Only Council has the authority to deny a Heritage Permit application.
- Application is forwarded to Heritage Markham Committee for review
If required, Heritage Staff prepares a memorandum and presents it to the Heritage Markham Committee for review and recommendation. Most Major Heritage Permit applications are reviewed by this Committee.
- Staff determines if the application must go to the Development Services Committee (DSC) for review
If Heritage Staff determines that the application must go to Council through the Development Services Committee (DSC), a recommendation report will be prepared, and a Council decision obtained.
- Approval
Once Heritage Section staff have determined that the proposed scope of work as detailed in the application conforms with the relevant heritage policies and is supportable, or following a decision of support by Council (if applicable), a Minor or Major Heritage Permit will be issued. A Building Permit cannot be submitted until a Heritage Permit is obtained.