Markham Now (June 22, 2023)

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- June 26
9:30 AM - Development Services Committee Meeting
- June 27
9:00 AM - Development Services Committee Meeting
- June 28
9:00 AM - Development Services Committee Meeting
1:00 PM - Council Meeting
July 4
9:30 AM - Special Development Services Committee MeetingMembers of the public have the option to attend either remotely via Zoom or in-person in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre. Learn how to participate in meetings, email a written submission or request to speak.

- June 23 - International Public Service Day
- June 26 to 30 - Hakka Heritage Week
June 26 - International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Celebrate Canada Day with Us!
Markham, it’s time to celebrate!
Join us on Canada Day (July 1) from 3 to 10:30 PM at Markham Centre in Downtown Markham (Birchmount Road/Enterprise Boulevard). We have an action-packed day planned with lots of free and fun activities for the whole family to enjoy.

Park and Play Fun Tour
The City of Markham is rolling out its Park and Play Fun Tour this summer!
The Park and Play Fun Tour is a free summer program for children between the ages of four and 12 that travels to community parks across the City. The program offers a wide range of fun and engaging activities, including giant board games, mini sports and inflatable ride-on animals.
Join us on tour and get a free recreation activity pass to try a program at your local community centre. Plus, you can also take part in our photo contest for a chance to win a bonus prize.
So, grab your sunscreen and water bottle, and join us for some outdoor play. Keep an eye out for our Park and Play Fun Tour at a park near you!
Find our next tour stop by visiting ParkandPlay.

Introducing Our New Registration System
Have you experienced “The Big Freeze”?
Picture this – it’s 6:59 AM and you’re up, ready to go in front of your computer. You’ve done your research, you’ve coordinated multiple schedules and now the moment you’ve been preparing for is here: Registration Day. You type in your first program number and…and…nothing happens. Your screen is frozen. The system freezes on you.
As you watch the minutes tick by you know that the highly coveted Tuesday 6 PM Swimmer 2 class is filling up. It’s probably gone by now and you’re still there, watching the circle spin, over and over and over again. You are experiencing, “The Big Freeze”.
Change is coming! We are launching the long-anticipated upgrade to our current system, EZ Reg.
Perhaps the most exciting benefit of the new system, at least for those who have faced “The Big Freeze”, is that the processing capacity of the City’s new system is much greater than its predecessor. On busy registration mornings, more concurrent users can be searching and registering at the same time.
Do you have to go on a waitlist? No problem. This is another upgrade! As soon as a spot opens up, you’re sent an email and with a couple of clicks, you’re registered.
The first date to put this to the test is August 15 with the Fall 2023 general program registration, including Culture and the Markham Public Library. With any large system crossover, delays and glitches are to be expected but the team is working hard with all the building, training and testing needed.
If you like contests, there’s one running until August 1. All you have to do is create an account in the new system and you’re automatically entered into weekly draws. The earlier you create your account, the more draws you’ll be entered into. Best bet, create your account today at

Virtual Assistant
Brace yourself for Markham's latest creation, the Virtual Assistant 2.0!
Continuing to pave the way as a leader in innovation and technology, the updated Virtual Assistant will provide users with 24/7 access to a wide range of City-related topics, anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
During business hours, you can even connect with our awesome customer service team for real-time assistance!
Click the refreshed Virtual Assistant icon, found across our entire website to try it.

Firework Safety
As Canada Day long-weekend approaches, it's essential to keep ourselves and our beloved city safe while enjoying the festivities. We would like to remind you about the responsible and legal use of family fireworks.
If you’re planning to use family fireworks, here are some tips to remember:
Get Your Permit: Remember to apply for a permit online at least seven days in advance. Breaking the rules could result in fines up to $5,000. While no permit is needed on the day before Canada Day and the big day itself, let's be responsible and use fireworks safely.
Stick to Private Property: Only light fireworks on private property with the owner's permission. Avoid parks, fields, and roads owned by the City. We want to keep our celebrations contained and the community safe.
Dispose of Fireworks Properly: Don't let fireworks become fire hazards. Never toss them in the Blue Bin or public waste bins. Instead, soak them in water overnight and dispose of them in your household garbage once they've cooled. Let's show respect for fire safety and the environment.
Be considerate: Be a good neighbour and mindful of noise and timing. Let's keep the celebrations exciting but respectful to those around us.
Back in 2021, we've discovered some scorched trees and burned waste bins in Markham’s parks that were caused by the improper use and disposal of family fireworks. We certainly don't want this to happen and please keep our parks safe and clean!

Let's make this Canada Day memorable while ensuring safety and joy for everyone. For more detailed tips on fireworks usage and disposal, visit
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101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, ON, L3R 9W3
8 AM to 5 PM